What up bitches?!?!?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Snow Cones

wHat uP bItCheS? aBe tHE yeTi hERe, mAkINg A guEst apPeaRAnCe oN mY moNKey dAngLe's bLOg!

i hAve A bIG pRobLEm. fiRst oFf mY huMan aSh pUt mE iN tHe waSHer bEcaUse mY snOw wHiTe YeTi fUr waS geTtiNg A lItTle dIrTy. tHe waSheR waS oK bUt thEn sHe pUt mE iN thE dRyeR! shE sAid tHat sHe hAd pUt A maGIc pRotEctiVe coATing oN mE sO i woUldN't meLt sINce i liKe aLl yETi's aM mADe oF snOw. i gUEss hEr mAGic coAtiNg doESn't wORk sO weLl bEcaUse mY beAutIFul fUr goT aLl SInGeD aNd maTTed aNd nOw i lOOk lIke a LAMB!!! hOw aM i sUpPoSEd tO scAre peOPle wHen i lOOk liKe a laMb??? (sEE bEForE aNd afTer phOtOs beLOw.) aS yoU cAn iMaGiNe thIs wAs a teRRiblY trAumAtic eXperIEnce.



i wOuld lIkE tO sTarT a sNOw cOne bIsineSS aNd uSe tHe moNey tO tRy tO gEt a fUr trAnsPLant. doEs aNyoNe haVe aN eXTra snOw cOne mAchiNe lYing arOUnd thAt thEy dOn't wAnT??? aND mAybE aN eXtRa trUcK tO tOw iT wITh?


YerrRRRrrrr WaaaaaAAAAaaaa YeeEEEeerrrRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrr!
-- aBe tHe yETi

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Did you know?

Banana is the common name used for herbaceous plants in the genus Musa, which because of their size and structure, are often mistaken for trees. Bananas are cultivated for their fruit (techincally berries, since the plant is a herb) which bear the same name, and to a lesser extent as ornamental plants.

From Wikipedia.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Don't hate me because I have big sexy ears.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hello Folks

Welcome to Dangles Says Touch Your Toes. As some of you know I am a monkey and on my blog I will provide you with valuable knowledge and general tips on life. :)