What up bitches?!?!?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Banana News

Chiquita Concedes Colombia Protection Payments

Morning Edition, March 15, 2007 · Chiquita Brands International will plead guilty to doing business with gunmen in Colombia. Prosecutors said the banana company made $1.7 million in "protection payments" to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia, a right-wing paramilitary group linked to some of Colombia's worst massacres. The company will pay $25 million to settle the charges.



I hope this doesn't cause a banana shortage! That could really mess up our wedding menu!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

My sweet Esmeralda & wedding planning

As Blade pointed out I forgot to tell you all that Esmeralda is here. Esmeralda is wonderful! She is the most beautiful lady monkey in the world. And if there are monkey aliens then she is the most beautiful lady monkey in the universe. She is really nice to me and loves me a lot. She has an accent and she calls me “Dango” but she tries. I can’t quite figure out where she is from. Sometime she sounds like she is from Germany or Austria and then sometimes I think maybe she’s from Thailand. Wherever she is from – thank you for sending her! She is a little bigger than me and she is nice and plump! I have thinned out over the years and need a bean transplant.

I gave her an engagement ring and she accepted. We are working really hard to plan our wedding. It’s not going to be a shotgun wedding like Abe & Uno’s! We are going to have a nice dinner and lots of dessert! We are still working on the menu but here is the first draft.

Friend plantain and banana chips with banana cream dipping sauce
Banana bread with banana butter

Fruit salad with mostly bananas
Jell-O with bananas in it

Banana ravioli
Salmon with banana chutney
Beef with a banana reduction
Banana stuffed chicken

Bananas foster
Chocolate dipped bananas
Banana cream pie
Banana wedding cake

Bahama banana breeze
Banana bonkers
Banana coconut martinis
Banana daquari

Esmeralda and I will both wear yellow for the occasion.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

i'm making a difference

Hey loyal readers. This is an awesome program and I encourage everyone to join. It doesn't cost you a dime but it will help some great organizations! Check out the info and link below! --Dangles

i'm is a new initiative from Windows Live (TM) Messenger. Every time you start a conversation using i'm, Microsoft shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective organizations dedicated to social causes. While there is no set cap on the amount each cause can receive, Microsoft will make a minimum $100,000 guaranteed donation to each of the nine organizations during the first year of the program. The more i'm (TM) conversations that happen, the more donations that happen. The sky's the limit.

So any time you have an i'm conversation using Windows Live Messenger, you help address the issues you feel most passionate about, including poverty, child protection, disease, and environmental degradation. All you have to do is join and start an instant messaging conversation. Microsoft handles the donation.

Visit http://im.live.com to join and get more information.